
The “Natural Language Processing” course, presented by German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and Technische Universität Berlin, is intended to introduce language processing using machine learning and deep learning models. The course presents basic NLP concepts like text preprocessing and vectorization. It also covers practical NLP tasks like text classification and summarization. The course is designed in such a way that it can be offered by universities as an online self-study MOOC course.
Which topics will be covered?
- What are NLP applications in our daily life
- How to develop an NLP pipeline for automatically process textual data
- Practical development of an NLP tool using Python
- How to evaluate an NLP model
What will I achieve?
By completing the course, you will be able to ...
- Develop your application to process text for the task and domain of your interest
- Choose the best model that fit the problem, considering the main factors that affect the final outcome
- Evaluate and compare different NLP models
Which prerequisites do I need to fulfill?
- Basics knowledge in Python programming
- Basics knowledge in machine learning
- Prior knowledge in computer science and math

This course is offered by

Salar Mohtaj
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz
TU Berlin

Dr. Eleftherios Avramidis
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz
Course information
Learning format:
Online course
CC BY-SA 4.0
The creators of the learning opportunities are responsible for their content.
Human-Computer interaction
Chatbots & speech assistants
(Kein Betreff)